Friday 23 November 2012


Nice to see a piece about the mighty Menswear on the Guardian site. Particularly since I wrote it myself...

I was listening to the band's 1995 debut album, Nuisance, yesterday as I was writing. And it's still very fine. Up there with the third Secret Affair album, at the very least.

Thanks to Philip Oltermann of the Guardian for his help, and - as ever - to Sam Harrison.


Ashley said...

Hi Alwyn name checked you here. Looking forward to the new book

Alwyn W. Turner said...

Thanks for the kind words, Ashley. I liked your top ten of Britpop bands - at least The Family Cat get a namecheck in my forthcoming book on the 1990s.
On the subject of mostly forgotten Britpoppers, I was always quite fond of Molly Half Head and World of Leather as well: the former for their cover of 'Are "Friends" Electric", and the latter for the splendidly titled single 'Future Ex-Pop Star'.
And then there was Anna, a group that I played on the same bill as once at the Moonlight Club in West Hampstead, and who had a decent single in 'Pretty Jesus'.